Stark skds-0210147 crankshaft driven

Lot number: 50724328809
€ 183
Available: 5
Delivery costs to our sorting center : € 3
Condition: new
Manufacturer parts: stark
Type car: cars cars
Number catalogue parts: skds-0210147
Numbers catalogues substitutes: lauber 88.2551,era benelux da65704
Number catalogue original: 8e0501203b,8e0501203bx
Side superstructures: rear axle po obydwu stronach
Diameter [mm]: 100
Ilosc zebow, ring abs: 45
Dynamics hamowania/jazdy: for pojazdow z abs
Uzebienie external od sides wheels: 33
Lenght [mm]: 618
Type gearbox gears: gearbox gears manual
Version tecdoc: 2336

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Stark skds-0210147 crankshaft driven

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